Diano Marina
Ligurian Riviera
Diano Marina
Ligurian Riviera
From the site is worth it!
Discover the advantages of direct booking

"Naturally" Beautiful

Die Natur bewundern โ€“ auch um sie besser kennenzulernen und zu respektieren.

Because admiring it is the first step to understanding and respecting it.

Villages and Culture

To better acquaint yourself with the region you’re visiting.

Active Vacation

Perfect for sports enthusiasts who wish to stay fit while travelling.

Fun Together

Additional ideas to engage children in educational and enjoyable outings.

The Wonder of Nature

Because admiring it is the first step to understanding and respecting it.

Diano Marina
Riviera Ligure
Via Generale Ardoino, 134 - 18013 Diano Marina (IM), Italia

Only if you book through our website, you get these benefits:


  • 5% discount on the best web rate

  • Welcome drink

Diano Marina
Ligurian Riviera
Via Generale Ardoino, 134 - 18013 Diano Marina (IM), Italia

Only if you book through our website, you get these benefits:


  • 5% discount on the best web rate

  • Welcome drink